


Tuesday, September 13, 2011 ♥
Title:The Funeral Advertisement.
Time:7:28 AM

Firstly, after looking at the "Funeral" advertisement, I think that the director chooses mixed race couple is because he or she wants to emphasize on racial and harmony between different races people. Even if the people are from differents races and religion, we still can become a sweet couple, and can communicate harmoniously.
Second, the director concentrates on bad traits is because that bad traits are always more memorable than good traits. But of course good traits are memorable. But the thing is, people tend to hate the bad traits when one person is alive, but after that person pass away, people will tend to miss the bad traits more than the good traits. Daniel's wife shows out how Daniel's snore is because even if she hate it previously, but she miss it now.
Thirdly, I think the advertisement is effective to promote family values. It entirely shows how does a mixed race couple communicate and loved each other, even thiugh they're from different races and religion. And also, it shows how precious it is to communicate with your family. You may not know what will happen if one of your family member pass away suddenly. It shows that we must cherish the good times now with our family, if not we may regret it in the future.

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011 ♥
Title:My most favourite character in a drama/song/movie.
Time:8:24 AM

My most favourite character is Kim Joo Won, actual name Hyun Bin, from a korean drama named "Secret Garden". Let me briefly describe what is the storyline about.
The drama tells the story of Kim Joo Won (Hyun Bin), an arrogant and eccentric CEO who maintains the image of seeming perfection, and Gil Ra Im (Ha Ji Won), a poor and humble stuntwoman whose beauty and body are the object of envy amongst top actresses. Their accidental meeting, when Joo Won mistakes Ra Im for actress Park Chae Rin, marks the beginning of a tense, bickering relationship, through which Joo Won tries to hide a growing attraction to Ra Im that both confuses and disturbs him. To complicate matters further, a strange sequence of events results in them swapping bodies.
In this drama, Joo Won tries his best going after this girl named Ra Im (Ha Ji Won), although at first Ra Im rejected him as Joo Won is very arrogant. But Joo Won never once gave up, he peservered. After so many obstacles, Ra Im finally accepted him, and started dating. Joo Won's mother at first objected, but Joo Won did not listened to his mother and insisted dating with Ra Im. But unfortunately, Ra Im met a car accident as the stuntwoman in the drama she's acting in. She was severely injured and is in coma. As Joo Won and Ra Im can swap their bodies, Joo Won decided to bring Ra Im in the rain, and swop their bodies. In the end Ra Im regained consiusnous but Joo Won is in a coma. I'm certainly touched by Joo Won by his love and courageous act. He sacrifice himself just for the woman he truly love. In the end, they even got married.
I'm different from Joo Won. He's a brave guy who sacrifice everything just for a person he loved dearly, unlike me, I may not be so courageous. Also, he is a person who persevered through lots of obstacles, but if I were him, I may break down anytime. But at the same time, he's also stubborn. He didn't listened to his mother, like me, I can be very stubborn.

I strongly recommend this drama to all mu readers. We all should learn from Joo Won :)

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011 ♥
Title:Unseen poetry
Time:7:17 AM

Unseen poetry is different from different poems. We have to understand what the poet is trying to talk about, and to analyse the terms he or she use in the poem. Sometimes I have a hard time analysing it but the literary devices helped me alot~ So after all I just have to read more unseen poems to understand more of the poems and to be familiar with it :)

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Title:Romeo & Juliet
Time:7:12 AM

Romeo and Juliet is a new and interesting thing to me when I first heard that we have to act it out. After Mid Year Examinations, we were assigned to our R&J groups. I thought my group will be able to cooperate properly, do what the director said but I was so wrong. Firstly, during the June holiday we only meet up once or twice to buy our props and costumes, because some of us went overseas, some of us have CCA and some of us can't make it because of certain reasons. So we didn't really did much during the June holidays. After June holidays we were officially assigned to our own roles since most of my group mates disagree to a certain character they're acting out. After which we met up at ChingSiew's house to do the backdrop and props. Okay, my group's director told them to memorised their lines, and briefly explained to us what are we supposed to do on the stage during the dry run and the actual play, so honestly speaking, we didn't actually formally act it all out. So during the dry run, its kind of obvious that our group failed because we didn't memorise our lines well, although the director told them to do so. And we have no feelings, no emotions. During the Romeo and Juliet scene, Juliet laughed because she's not use holding Romeo's hand and talking to him. But after that lesson, we started to cooperate and start to be REALLY serious on this play. So basically things are running okay now. Everyone memorised their lines, learnt the dance and all we have to do is just to finish out backdrop :) So , hopefully during the full dress rehearsal everything will go alright~ Actually this play is kind of fun! :D

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Monday, March 7, 2011 ♥
Title:Macbeth (2)
Time:2:21 AM

Hey people, sorry for the late post Ms Maly... I just got home and rush this post, hopefully you see this in time :)

Well, I'm here to summarise the story of Macbeth. Macbeth is basically a story about wars and how the thane of cawdor betray King Duncan and stuffs. When one country fought with another country and use expressions to describe a person's characteristic traits. The story is quite interesting, its worth reading it :)

How is macbeth like
The person Macbeth is actually quite a nice guy. He doesn't betray his country and indeed he is loyal to the country. After so many wars, no matter how bloody and dangerous it is, he continue fighting for his country. He is willing to sacrifice himself for his country, how loyal and brave is Macbeth right? :')

What I learnt from him
I learnt from him to be honourable and loyal to the school (country) and not to betray other people and be brave :D

Favourite character
Macbeth is also one of my favourite character. He is loyal, brave, and still got more positive characteristics traits that I like, so that makes him perfect. But after he meet the three witches and became superstitious and believed them and killed King Duncan, my view totally changed towards him. But well, since Ms Maly still haven't go through, I shouldn't talk about it. :)

That's what I wanted to write, thanks for reading and sorry if its late, and well, its really late. SORRY D: BYE :D

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Friday, February 11, 2011 ♥
Time:3:10 AM

Hello people! :D New post again! xD
In this week lesson, we learnt about Macbeth. Wow, I was thinking what is world is Macbeth, and gradually, I learnt that Macbeth is written by William Shakespeare and the story is decribing war and stuffs.
At the end of act 1 scence 2, the morwigien kind wanted a treaty for his men for proper burial. It is a sad story though, because many people are killed in this war, and they still need to sign a treaty for a proper burial Dx

I wished I can learn more about why does they go into a war and how is Macbeth character like. This lesson is pretty interesting, we can learn how the war is like and stuffs, and we get to draw comic strips, but well, my drawing is pretty bad.

Well, I guess that's all for this post, see ya! :D

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Saturday, January 29, 2011 ♥
Title:Strange encounter.
Time:8:46 PM

Hey there.

Supposingly I'm gonna to write someone telling me somthing strange that really happened, but well, it did not happen on me directly, but through my dreams.
If I'm not wrong, this dream happened last year. I dreamt that somekind of weird auntie telling me that, I will see someone that I long to see. But well, I woke up eventually. That following day, I went to ION to shop, and the person I long to see happen to be there too! At first I really can't believe my eyes, I thought I was dreaming or something. But it is real! I seriously can't believe my eyes. What the weird auntie said in my dream is really truth omg. O.o
After since that, I was hoping that weird auntie to appear in my dreams, but, after since, she have vanish far far away from it.

Interesting eh? Haha, this kind of questions are rather unique. And the class is really meaningful, to have such kind of topic. Well, what can I link to NE values? Hmm, seriously can't think of any. Sorry ><

That's it, hope you enjoyed, bye :D

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Apparently I'm XINJING and I'm very HORRBLE And I'm INDEX NO. 2 :D
This blog is meant for literature! Not my personal blog and I'm lazy to even create one :p
Any comments please tag on my tagboard! Thanks and love my blog ^^
And I love SNSD,SHINee, Miss A and IU ♥ KPOP ROCKS!
My greatest enemies are Liar, Backstabber, Hypocrite and Nag. I hate them alot. World would be sucha better place without them all.

bold strikethrough underlined italic

Sweet desires♥

As for every subject
I want go SNSD world tour
Bad Girl Good Girl album



Ashikin Ching Siew Fiona Hayati Jasper JinXin Jun Hup Liang Wei Maria Nabilah Yiting Shafikah Siew Wai Thaddeus


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